Go not to Dumbo.
Revelation 18:10 emphasises God’s anger with the New Babylon; she will be wiped from the face of the earth within an hour. John describes this abominable city as floating on many waters:
AND one of the seven angels having the seven bowls came and spoke to me, saying: “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.” (Revelation 17:1)
The harlot who sits on many waters is a reference to the pagan goddess Ishtar and her bad influence on many countries and nations. But who is John addressing specifically? Which city has put in place the great whore of Babylon whose influence has now spread to other parts of the globe?
New York city, in biblical terms, ‘floats on water’, because
it consists of many islands, with the heart of this great and powerful megacity
(Manhattan) connecting to a place called ‘Dumbo’ via the ‘Brooklyn Bridge’—also
very significant in this circumstance—and there does so happen to conveniently
be a huge statue sitting upon the waters of New York that is very strange and
revealing in appearance and subject to much debate among religious scholars,
historians, and conspiracy theorists worldwide.
The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World) in Manhattan, New York, was
designed by a French man named Bartholdi, who dedicated it to the U.S. in 1886 as a gift from the people of France.
However, what most people do not realise is that it represents an ancient Roman
goddess of freedom known as Libertas. This seems relatively harmless at first
glance, although some might call it idolatry, which of course sounds
outrageous. But, just out of interest, who is this Roman goddess Libertas, and
what mysteries might she hold?
Libertas is the Roman goddess for liberty, and the Americans
chose to use it because they fought for their independence and valiantly won
their freedom, which is fair enough, and any claim that Lady Liberty is an idol
every person living in New York
is worshipping is absurd. Upon further research, however, the facts are indisputable,
and one cannot help but consider the additional and more worrying meaning and
purpose of this statue.
Libertas is the Roman name for Ishtar, the pagan goddess and
centre of religious worship in both cities Babylon
and Nineveh,
worshipped by the Babylonians and Assyrians, which in turn led to their
eventual destruction. Could this be yet another coincidence? Of course not.
This has all been premeditated from the very beginning, before the plans for
this megacity were conceived.
New York city, the “Big
Apple” from which many have been tempted to feast upon, has a pagan goddess of Babylon welcoming
immigrants who seek refuge in this “land of the free”. And with this abominable
statue in New York—and also the one in Paris—Ishtar is holding a golden torch tantamount
to historic idols of Ishtar and the description of Babylon in Revelation 17:4. Furthermore,
the sculptor of this colossal structure (Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi) was a
Freemason, who clearly understood the Babylonian origins of his work and intentionally
based its design on this Assyrian goddess.
There is a terracotta relief in the Louvre Museum
depicting Ishtar, the “Queen of the Night”, lifting her torch in the exact same
manner as the Statue of Liberty, and similar carvings can be found in museums
worldwide. Washington D.C. also has a Statue of Freedom atop its
“Capitol” building. Many statehouses have statues of Lady Liberty on them. She
can be found on American coinage also, which is not so surprising considering the
very origin of money was developed to worship this Assyrian goddess. The crown
of the Statue of Liberty has seven horns also, representing Ishtar, who was
adorned with seven spikes on her head.
Whilst being highly revered by her inhabitants, the hidden
meaning of this idol shouts “Babylon!
Babylon! Babylon!” throughout her
lands. No-one can escape this fact; this mother of harlotry and all
abominations of the earth can be found all over the U.S., and it is only a matter of
time before Ishtarism becomes more widespread.
Another bull’s-eye painted around the city of New York—and
certainly the most revealing—is the name of some of its boroughs, which made
decoding Revelation much easier to say the least, and in conjunction with the
other immeasurable resemblances in Revelation, this certainly settles the
Upon randomly searching for Babylon on Google Maps, there it was, ‘Babylon
NY’, along with a ‘West Babylon’, a ‘North
Babylon’, a ‘Babylon Riding Centre’ (how lovely), a ‘Babylon
Junior High School’, a ‘West Babylon Senior High School’, a ‘Babylon Marina’, a
‘Babylon Yacht Club’, and a ‘Babylon Bicycle Shop’. Well with Babylon
preceding every single name in this place and other names like ‘Dumbo’ it is
hard to say no-one was warned, and it does not take a genius to figure out that
New York is
the New Babylon John describes considering Ishtar has infested every street
Rationally, there are meaningless similarities with today’s
usage of the word Babylon, and there are some
very small franchises that use this name, but this borough stretches about five
kilometres squared in New York city.
It is huge. And not so discretely named ‘Babylon,
New York’.
Whoever foresees the infrastructural development of New York certainly seems
to enjoy playing little biblical mind games. The coincidences are overwhelming,
and combined with the other disquieting facts about this doomed city, evidently
it is the one John has seen in his vision.
None of this has happened merely by chance because it is far
too unlikely and precise, and it appears evident that secret societies like the
Freemasons, responsible for erecting the Statue of Liberty, are fulfilling the testaments
of the Bible in the way its authors intended, and they have played a very
important role in establishing the New Babylonian system that has now spread to
many parts of the globe.
Any who still choose to disbelieve should understand that
the people in control of this world will see to it that all of this happens
precisely as it was written thousands of years ago. So whether one chooses to
believe in God or not, there are very dark and powerful entities involved who
like to play God who cannot be avoided.
The true identities of these megalomaniacs can be found in ‘The
Apocalypse of Abraham’ and ‘The Book of Enoch’, which were written over a
thousand years ago. They are the spirits that control this world and all of its
people; they control the lands and the seas, the kings and the queens, the
clouds in the sky and the stars in the heavens, and the construction of many
megalithic monuments and cities like New
York—and they see to it that everything goes as
The leaders of the very wealthy, powerful, and influential United States, which include founding fathers Washington, Jefferson, Franklin,
and Adams, have done their utmost to ensure New York very closely resembles the Old
Babylon. It was, after all, these extraordinary gentlemen who reworked,
redesigned, and founded the great and powerful cities of the U.S. Whatever
intelligences are involved, one thing is clear: they are setting the stage for
John’s apocalypse, where all those who did not repent and accept Jesus as their
LORD and Saviour will be punished for their wrongdoings.
New York is second only to Japan in terms
of wealth and has infected the entire world with idolatry, harlotry, much
anger, profanity, and violence, and God’s wrath is now kindled against it. But what
is most interesting about all of this is the fact that it has all been
predestined to happen by the very people who founded America. And this my friends, is
the hand of God.
—Adam Cherrington, Author of Jericho