Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Finding Peace and Happiness

Hello everyone, Adam here with a nice little message:

A friend of mine recently contacted me because he wanted to know my viewpoint on the Isis crisis. I will include an excerpt from my book on this shortly. But what is more important right now is what he said following this: all the horrific violence taking place in the world right now has affected him quite severely and he is distraught. He asked me for my advice and we talked about religion. He is not religious but does follow some teachings of Buddhism.
     As opposed to Islam, I respect Buddhism and its teachings. The Buddha was the great prophet before Jesus, and Jesus himself uses the same analogy of the mustard seed from one of the Buddha's teachings in his famous sermon on the mount. I know this because I have read 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying' by Sogyal Rinpoche. I also have a copy of the Dalai Lama's book 'The Art of Happiness'. Both are amazing books, although one should be careful not to follow the teachings reared towards idolatry and the worship of a statue of the Buddha. I have found much happiness from reading them, but nothing compares to the gospel and the teachings of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the New Testament.
     Much peace and happiness can be gained from reading these books, and one becomes more holy in doing so. But I have also found several methods of my own for seeking happiness. There are places one can go for immediate relief and happiness in these troubled times. Here are a few:

#1. Pentecostal/evangelical churches. They don't call them Happy Clappy churches for nothing, and this is the number one place for finding peace, joy and happiness, but most of all God.
#2. Family swim at a swimming pool. Check out the cute little babies and happy families. Some of my happiest moments are from when I worked as a lifeguard during family swims, and some of the pools I have worked in are designed to look like a small paradise. One can have a really fun time here too. I occassionally go despite having a gym membership somewhere else.
#3. Theme parks. I have not yet tried this one since recommending it but it sounds like a good idea, and similar to visiting a leisure pool.
#4. Leisure World! This was an epic leisure park in Hemel Hempstead I used to visit when I was a child, but unfortunately it has now shut down. Something akin to this would be a good idea.
#5. Zoos. Again, places we would take our kids are the best places we can help ourselves also. Maybe they know something we don't.
#6. Some of my ministry videos will make you laugh.
#7. Coming soon.

Here are a few things one can do to find peace and happiness also:

#1. Smash up your television with an axe while wearing a mask of a world famous idol and rid yourself of this distress once and for all. Hey, it worked for me.
#2. Sing. Again, an evangelical church is the best place for this and one can sing as loudly as they like here.
#3. Become a volunteer.
#4. Sponsor a child with 'Compassion'. I have one called Zephirin. He is now 10 and we write to eachother frequently. I give him and his family a bit of money every month and we are all happy for it. It's a small price to pay.
#5. Tithe:

Bring ye the whole tithe into the store-house, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now herewith, Saith the LORD of hosts, If I will not open you the windows of heaven, And pour you out a blessing, That there shall be more than sufficiency. (Malachi 3:10 JPS)

Help build God's church and save many lost souls by giving. You will also receive an abundance of grace for doing so, as have I. There is a page on my website to do this: http://www.adamsministry.co.uk/tithing_in_the_bible.html
#6. Give to charity. I recommend UK charities like the Salvation Army and Mencap. There are many others but beware of quangos. It's best to stay with the most well known. To be honest, I have not yet done this because I have Zephirin and my tithe, but if you can afford it then it would be a good idea also.
#7. Read the Book of John.

But by far the best thing anyone can do is wholeheartedly pray this simple sinner's prayer and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour:

King Jesus, my LORD and Saviour, I submit my life to you entirely, for you have died for both my sins and all of those around me. I accept you now and ask for your forgiveness. I pray that you will come into my life and teach me in the ways of righteousness so that I might become more like you and live a spirit-filled life with you as the cornerstone centred within me. On this day I give you my heart, body and soul forevermore. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Well done for praying this prayer and accepting Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour. If you prayed this and truly meant it from the bottom of your heart, you are saved. If not, give it some time, until you have learnt to love God with all your heart, and you will certainly know it when it happens. At least you now have God’s help and attention. Do not make silly mistakes, and you might be fortunate enough to receive a union.

I hope this helps while all hell is breaking loose. And remember,

The world is only desolate to those who do not know God. 

- Adam Cherrington, Author of Jericho: Countdown to Oblivion
God bless.

P.S. the second edition of Jericho is coming very soon, with the latest updates on Isis and the big red dragon of China.

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